How to convert math equations or chemical reactions to LaTeX the easy way!
Are you stuck in writing your math or chemical equations? Are you tired of checking the markdown every time? Stop torturing the shift/ctrl +enter keys right now!
Whenever I try to write an equation in a markdown format whether in Jupyter or R-Studio I get confused. What are all these symbols?! How should I memorize them. There should be an easier way to put simple (or complex) formulas in markdown format, right?
I present you the red / blue pill theory:
If you want to take a life of harsh knowledge, desperate freedom, and the brutal truths of reality, take the red pill: There’s a great Wiki page, or this cheat sheet from Authorea that can teach you how to Kung Fu!

I mean just look at Einstein’s mass energy formula. He didn’t have trouble writing down the famous E = mC², right? No Greek letters, no symbols, no complexity. He just had to write the following in LaTeX:

But what if you wanted to write down more complicated formulas such as the lasso? What if you know how to LaTeX and still it takes you 5 minutes and a couple tries to write this down? If you’re a data scientist you might deal with this shrinkage method a lot!

Are you ready to write this?

Sometimes it’s just better to take the blue pill. Are you sure you don’t want a life of tranquil happiness with blissful ignorance of the harsh realities of LaTeX?!
There’s a solution. It is Mathpix Snipping Tool!
If you don’t believe me, just look at the comments from Albert Einstein or Isaac Newton.

Yes you need to install it and yes you need to create an account. It is free for 50 snips a month!
Here’s how it works:
- Have the formula on your screen whether from a handwritten note picture.
- Press the magic keyboard shortcut:
Ctrl + ⌘ + M on Mac
Ctrl + Alt + M on Windows & Linux

3. Find your LaTeX on the screen ready for copying and inserting:

This even works on your handwritten notes or chemical reactions:

Mathpix won’t be always right and sometimes it might give you misinterpreted output. If you face something like this, It’d be better to just write your formulas in a better handwriting and then capture them.
Finally data science got to the point of helping data scientists! Now we can all binge watch some shows.
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